1) With car cold turn on key to run position(do not start the car), set HVAC system to 90 degrees and fan on low.
2) Remove coolant pressure cap on expansion tank and the bleeder screws from thermostat cover and expansion tank.
3) Begin to pour coolant into expansion tank keeping level near top of tank until air free coolant flows from thermostat cover bleeder hole, install screw and close bleeder.
4) Continue to fill expansion tank until air free coolant flows from the bleeder screw on the expansion tank, you will need to keep the expansion tank filled to top to complete this step. When no more bubbles then install and close the bleeder.
5) Fill coolant in expansion tank to near top of tank then install the filler cap.
6) Now take the car for a drive and get it warmed up to temperature, at least a 10 min drive, try to get some higher RPM driving in as well(like a short section of open road)
7) Park car and let cool to ambient temperature(at least a couple of hours) then check the level of coolant in the expansion tank. If it is empty then repeat the bleeding process above, if after a repeat it is still empty then you have a bigger issue such as a leak or a damaged head gasket. If the level is low then top up to the full cold level indicated on the tank or slightly above.
8) Monitor coolant level for several drive cycles adding coolant as needed to maintain the full cold level, coolant level should stabilize in one or two drive cycles.